Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December 2008

Okay, so I told you all to check out our blog, but I failed to mention that it's not very current. I have had a hard time getting on the internet and having time to wait for pictures to load with dial-up. Anyway, I'm hoping to get on within the next day or two and get some pictures on here. We are just about ready for Christmas (a few more presents to wrap)! We have close to a couple feet of snow at our house, so I'll try to get some of those pictures on, and maybe some of Halloween, and other stuff. But, for now, we are all doing well and looking forward to Christmas! Love to all!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dallen shot his first deer in November during the Johnson Canyon Doe Hunt. It was such an awesome shot!! He dropped it immediately! He was so excited and his dad was very proud (so was I)!